Iowa State Education Association (ISEA)
On behalf of the Iowa State Education Association (ISEA) representing education professionals across the state, we are pleased to recommend Ryan Marquardt for the Iowa House," said ISEA President Mike Beranek. "We believe Ryan Marquardt will do what is best for all of Iowa’s students regardless of the ZIP code in which they live and be a voice for education professionals as important decisions are made that impact our students and our public schools.
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 61
Public Employees are the backbone of our state, especially during the ongoing pandemic. It is critical we have strong public officials like Ryan Marquardt working to fight to protect these workers and ensure the health, safety, and continuity of our communities. Public Employees know they can count on you to stand up for public services and workers who provide them.
James Culbert – Warren County
I am voting for Ryan Marquardt, He is a farmer and an Iowan. He knows us. Our hopes our fears and our dreams. He knows what it's like to put all your energy, sweat and money into seeding a crop, only to watch a promising life sustaining rain on the horizon slide off like a politician's smile. He knows what it is like to buy at retail and sell at wholesale prices and watching the processors make a profit on our toil. He knows what it is like to lose control over land that has sustained our families for generations, to have outside business interests come in and force what is best for their interests, not ours. When he drives by our farm fields he sees us, our families; not development land and future wind farms. He is a good man with good ideas. Most importantly he sees and listens to us. That's the kind of person I want to represent me at the Iowa Statehouse.
Judy Corcoran – Norwalk
I’m especially aware of the rapid growth in Warren and Madison Counties and Ryan has the background and experience to meet the needs that follow growth. He holds a degree in regional planning with a focus on economic development. He’s also got a master’s in agriculture and a certificate in public administration from Iowa State.
Degrees and education are important but so is hands on experience. Ryan reflects the forward thinking we’re not seeing today in our representation in the Iowa Legislature. He understands that when Iowans’ dollars and Iowa’s young adults leave the state, the impact is huge. He will focus on investing in Iowa workers and businesses which positivity impact our growing communities in Warren and Madison Counties. I support Ryan because he reflects the future I want for my community and its families.
Nichole Swisher – Norwalk Farmers Market
I support Ryan Marquardt for Iowa House District 25. I grew up in a small north Iowa farm town. The success of our Iowa farms is so important. Ryan knows sustainable agriculture. He owns and runs a farm, works with the Natural Resource Conservation Service and has long been involved with the Iowa Food Cooperative. Please visit ryan4iowahouse.com
Alan Feirer – Business Owner, Winterset
Ryan Marquardt is moderate, smart, and gets the issues facing all of District 25. His current status as a farmer gives him the insight to understand the needs of rural Iowans in our neck of the woods. His education and experience give him the insight to understand the cities and towns in our area, from Macksburg to Norwalk. His moderation and his ability to understand what people go through give me faith that he will be a fair representative for ALL the citizens of this district, regardless of party. I can’t wait for Ryan to represent us in Des Moines!
Doris & Larry Close – Norwalk
Ryan Marquardt is a fifth generation Iowa farmer. He knows Iowa and believes that Iowa should be a place where young people can obtain an affordable education. He believes they should then be able to stay in Iowa to find a good job or possibly start a business. He will work for those beliefs. 
Ryan is involved in his community. He will represent us, not outside interests. This is why we are voting for Ryan Marquardt for Iowa House District 25.
Todd & Deborah Hobbs – Norwalk
Ryan, a dad of two, knows what is going on in Iowa education because he is involved with public schools today. Ryan, a fifth generation Iowa farmer, knows what is going on in Iowa agriculture because he is farming today. Ryan, a member of key organizations in Madison and Warren County, is working with others to better our district’s future today. Go to ryan4iowahouse.com to check out Ryan’s educational, professional and personal background. We are sure you will agree: Ryan is who we need today.
Becky Snethen – Norwalk
Ryan reflects the future I want for my family, my community and for Iowa. He understands the struggle families and young people face in trying to afford college. He understands the need to retain our Iowa young adults as the impacts of them leaving the state are far reaching. We need our young adults to be able to find good jobs and start businesses. Ryan understands that it is going to take a new generation of leadership, bringing bold ideas that will focus on investing in Iowa workers, businesses and family farms. He has the background and experience to meet those needs. Ryan sees us, hears us, and cares deeply for our communities. This is why I am supporting Ryan. Please vote!
Katie Routh – Norwalk
As a lifelong educator, the first thing I ask myself when choosing a candidate to support is: Will the candidate’s education help when making decisions that will affect my life and the lives of others whom he or she will represent? Ryan’s degree from Iowa State University is in Regional Planning, Economic Development, Agriculture, and Public Administration. He lives and breathes the very issues that are facing Iowans at this moment in time. I am proud to support Ryan Marquardt for Representative for Iowa House District 25.
John Hughes – Norwalk
I was raised on a farm in Warren County and I’m retired living back in Norwalk. Ryan Marquardt listens carefully to people while he talks to them. Very polite. He is hard working with a young family and he wants to always be a farmer. What will Iowa be like in the years to come? No one has a crystal ball. Ryan has an education and work experience that includes planning for economic development and also sustainable farming. I’d like to see Ryan get elected so he can bring his ideas to the Iowa Capitol.